Permanently Delete Your Ableiva Account

Ableiva is GDPR Compliant

Steps to Download Data

On your profile page choose the about tab. Once there choose the account tab. At the bottom of that tab you will see the following with a button below to export your data. The amount of data you have shared will determine the length of time necessary to prepare your data download. It may take a while, you will receive a message when your data is ready to be downloaded.

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, or EUGDPR for short) is a regulation in European Union law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. All businesses and websites processing the personal information of EU citizens must abide by this law, including the right to be forgotten (data deletion), the right to full data download (export), etc. You can read more about it here
Export Your Community Data

You can download a complete copy of all the data you have shared in this Community. This includes posts, messages, photos, videos, comments, etc. The data will be compiled automatically and delivered to you in a machine-readable JSON format. Please bear in mind that depending on the amount of data that needs to be compiled, preparing your download might take a while.

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